Tuesday, October 2, 2007

5. Lazing Around

Hardly, probably exhausted from playing with all this new technology! Having a go at different things in play week, especially fun with the online image generator. Also learning about editing what I have done so far. Have set up a LibraryThing catalogue with some of my favourite books through http://www.librarything.com/ . With the online generator have tried a few different play toys including painting a picture of a cat with the mouse, able to choose the colours, frame and have in mounted in a gallery amongst other paintings. My painting looked like something I would have done in kindergarten! Unfortunately, only able to print a copy for myself as the site would not allow me to make my work of art available for all to see. I have created the 'Birman Heaven' poster at the top of this post - able to choose style and colours.

1 comment:

Michelle McLean said...

Nicely done. Love all the cat photos - they look great. Keep up the good work and continue to enjoy the journey!